REM - Example pre-RBS.bat file to suspend SQL, copy files to holding folder, resume SQL REM - Copy this file to C:\Program Files\Remote Backup\pre-RBS.bat REM - If you have separate backup set for ACT, then rename file to pre-{yourbackupsetname}.bat REM - ...replacing {yourbackupsetname} the with actual EXACT name of your backup set. REM REM - Instructions to Use: REM REM - Change SQLSourceFolder and SQLDestinationFolder SET statements to appropriate values for your PC REM - Configure remote backup client to perform (incremental) backup of SQLDestinationFolder REM SET SQLSourceFolder="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data" SET SQLDestinationFolder="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DrBackup" REM SET XcopyOptions=/M /E /C /H /O /Y /I SET XcopyOptions=/E /C /H /O /Y /I REM REM - Stop SQL Service REM NET STOP SQLSERVERAGENT NET STOP MSSQLSERVER REM REM - Perform copy REM XCOPY %SQLSourceFolder% %SQLDestinationFolder% %XcopyOptions% REM REM - Restart SQL Service REM NET START MSSQLSERVER NET START SQLSERVERAGENT