@echo off rem - pre-backupsetname.bat -- an example of how to use NTBackup volume shadowing to grab locked files rem - you must rename this file: pre-.bat where is replaced by the EXACT rem - name of the Dr.Backup backupset running including all spaces. Put it in the rem - "C:\program files\remote backup" program folder where the application rbclient.exe lives. rem - the batch file will run when you start the backupset with same name in Dr.Backup rem - supports Windows XP Pro & Windows 2003 server with volume shadowing enabled rem - edit source line to contain name of folder where locked files live. use quotes around name. rem - edit destination line to contain name of staged backup file rem - make sure Dr.Backup does incremental backup of destination file and not locked source files. set sourcefolder="C:\Documents and Settings\owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook" set destinationfile="C:\Temp\OwnerLockedOutlookFile.bkf" rem perform backup with ntbackup and exit ntbackup backup %sourcefolder% /j "Dr.Backup Staged Job" /f %destinationfile% exit