Thanks For Trusting Us To Protect Your Critical Business Data — And Be Your “First Responder” When Disaster Strikes!

There’s no shortage of vendors trying to sell you cheap “do-it-yourself” online storage. However, what they don’t disclose is the challenging project — and ongoing costs — you’ll face trying to turn their products into a true digital safety net for your business. Who needs that headache?

We’re Different — Our Service Is Truly Done-For-You!

Provide your contact information in the appointment form below.  A super-friendly member of our team will review your request and confirm a time with one of our expert technicians.

We look forward to personally answering your questions and helping your business take the steps needed to protect against a data loss disaster.

S.M.A.R.T. Backup Service – Done-For-You and Guaranteed

Request Appointment


Until we talk, please feel free to browse through the collection of white papers and informative presentations found in our Resource Library.

You might also enjoy our Backup Wars video parody. It’s an introduction to Dr.Backup using the all-to-familiar scrolling message imagery used in one of the most popular science fiction movie series.


* Managed backup services are available for Windows PCs, Servers and Laptops located in the U.S. and Canada.