These days, everybody wants to make sure that they are managing their expenses – and that the services they do purchase represent a good value for their business. We get it!
This is the exact reason that Dr.Backup bundles into our subscription packages all the software, online disk storage AND on-going technical support needed to ensure that your backups are reliably performed every day.
This provides our clients with a solid safety net they can depend on in the event of a “digital disaster”.
Today, there are indeed many websites offering lots of cheap online backup storage. However, most vendors DO NOT include in their pricing the cost of essential technical support services — the human brainpower (and labor) needed to implement and reliably operate a production backup service.
This is why there are 5 essential service components INCLUDED with all Dr.Backup online backup packages. We refer to them as our “S.M.A.R.T.” services.
These are: SETUP and (customized) configuration of backup software, MONITORING backups run on schedule, ALERTING you of any issues with the backup process (we track & assist in the repair of over 50 common backup issues), RESTORE assistance in the event of a data loss event and the ongoing TESTING and upkeep of the solution as a whole.
We firmly believe that these are all essential services. If you don’t fully account for them, any self-managed backup solution (no matter what vendor’s product you use) is a disaster waiting to happen!
The typical Dr.Backup client pays less than $2/day to have their backups professionally managed by technology experts. Since 2001, delivering backup services to small businesses has been our only business – and we’re pretty darn good at it!
Consider that the median salary of an office worker in 2015 was approximately $25/hour. This is not a trained technology consultant with many years of expertise — just an “average” worker. So, if it took that worker just 5 minutes a day to review detailed system logs (to verify the backups are configured correctly and ran error-free) that alone would cost more than $2/day in labor!
And of course when something wrong is discovered, it takes additional effort to identify and clear the problem – again, costs not included in the purchase price of cheap online backup storage.
In today’s workplace, protecting your digital assets is extremely important. But, actually doing what is required, reliably, day-in-and-day-out is often viewed by employees as “grunt work”. Because of this, we find that in smaller businesses, regular backups are often skipped, broken, or completely ignored by an otherwise busy staff member.
Sadly, some of these businesses come to Dr.Backup AFTER they have already had a data loss.
When you add up all we do in our service packages, fact is we actually SAVE clients money compared to the cost of implementing an in-house solution with cheap online backup storage. To the savvy business person, Dr.Backup is actually one of the best business investments they will ever make.