It gives me great peace of mind to know that someone is watching our backups and is as concerned about them as I am.
I have been very pleased with Dr.Backup and their support team. There was quite a bit of setup involved to get our backups up and running and they spent the time needed to set it all up and to make sure the backups were working.
I get regular emails telling me if the backup completed successfully or not. If it does not complete successfully, before I have realized the backup has not completed successfully, they are often sending me an email asking if they can connect to my server and fix whatever the issue is. If I do not respond to the email then they call me and request access. It gives me great peace of mind to know that someone is watching our backups and is as concerned about them as I am.
I worked with Carbonite prior to moving our backups to Dr.Backup. While Carbonite did an okay job on the backups, I often would not realize the backups had not been running for weeks. It was up to me to check it, and if I happen to miss the email they sent I did not know we were not backing up our current data.
I would recommend Dr. Backup to anyone that is looking for a great backup solution. The other great part about it is that it does not drain your bank account to have your data backed up with Dr.Backup.