Google Forgot About Us – Please Help Them Remember

I’m writing today because I really need YOUR help.

These days, your business’ Google online reputation is very important.

I mean who doesn’t do a quick product or vendor search before they buy from a company – let alone even visit a new restaurant.

Over the past 10+ years, the Dr. Backup team has PASSIVELY accumulated over 100 Google 5-Star reviews in our online business listing. It’s something we as a team were quite proud of.

But, about 2 weeks ago, I received an email from Google that said they were DISABLING our listing because we were not a legitimate (real) business.

Sure enough, we were blacklisted from “Google My Business” that day.

Holy crap. WTF have I been doing the last two decades, Google?

And, what changed in the last two weeks that made our business illegitimate?

Who knows — but surely, this had to be a mistake.  (Gemini AI?)

So, I filed an official APPEAL using the Google online appeal web page.

Low and behold, my listing was indeed restored about 8 days later.

The business address, email and hours of operation were all as they had been before my banishment.

BUT – As shown below, all of the customer reviews were GONE. 


Sigh… the reviews are the only real things that mattered!

During subsequent correspondence via Gmail – because there are no real people at Google you can easily talk with – they denied that the Google My Business listing had any reviews because their internal tools say nothing was there.

I guess their internal tools didn’t see this… which I clipped some time ago from an archived internal staff meeting memo announcing the 100th review milestone.

Thanks “BIG DATA” – you indeed do deserve all the antitrust scrutiny you are getting these days!

However, Dr. Backup is now back to SQUARE ONE with our Google reputation.

We have ZERO online Google reviews.

Only YOU can help us fix that!

If you’ve previously written nice words about us (or planned to do it) can you please reprise your review using this Google-supplied link:

–> Review Dr. Backup In Google

It literally takes 1 minute to do…

While I cannot (by Google official rules) offer to pay for your kind review — I’ll definitely “owe you one.”

Please, take just a minute to jot down a few positive thoughts and rate us as a company.

Small businesses need to stick together and help each other out when the big guys try to step on us like bugs!

Write about us here:

I’ll update you periodically on our “reputation recovery” progress in the coming weeks.

